Fabric Semaphore
Fabric Semaphore

Fabric Semaphore
      Our belief at Hawkwind is to share the passion for making and doing. It is the name of our farm where we have built our own home and grow our food. Much credit goes to my partner, Randy Martin, fine builder, cabinetmaker and canoe builder. There need be no division between work and play. The circle garden for vegetables feeds the soul and spirit as well as the body. The chicken house carries its own unique gothic whimsy. Our vacation time takes the form of canoe trips in the Canadian wilderness. As contemporary followers of the Arts and Crafts movement, we endeavour to make and embellish our own home, clothing and gardens. And why not?
     The love of fibre plays a major role in my life. This came early to me from the wonderful influence of Nana, my grandmother. A fine seamstress, I recall the clouds of chiffon laid out upon her living room rug as she hand sewed pearls on wedding gowns. I carried my sewing skills into the quilt world and find such bliss in their touch and colour wonderment. I am a working quilt artist creating for exhibit and commission. Knitting has always been a carry-along for me. And then I discovered the incredible hand painted palette of Koigu Wool and I was away. Maie Landra's patchwork designs and technique joined two great loves into one consuming passion. I wish to share this enthusiasm with you now.

Dyan Jones

Contact Hawkwind Wool Source
Toll-Free: 800-204-0528
Phone: 519-363-6325
Fax: 519-363-6275
Email: hawkwind@bmts.com